■展示期間 | 2020年7月11日(土)~2022年1月3日(月) |
■開館時間 | ■平日:9時~16時(最終入館 15時30分)■土曜日、日曜日、祝日:9時~17時(最終入館 16時30分) |
■入館料 | 一般 600円(団体 500円) / 小中高校生 300円(団体 200円) |
■会 期
平 日 9:00~16:00(最終入館15:30)
土日祝日 9:00~17:00(最終入館16:30)
一 般 600円(500円)
小中高校生 300円(200円)
① 37.5℃以上の熱がある方、咳、咽頭痛などの症状のある方は来館をご遠慮ください。
② サーモグラフィーカメラによる検温にご協力をお願いします。
③ マスクの着用をお願いします。
④ 入館時には消毒剤で手指の消毒をしてください。
⑤ 他のお客様と2m以上の間隔を保ってください。
⑥ 大声での会話はご遠慮ください。
⑦ 混雑状況によっては入館制限をする場合があります。
⑧ 大人数でのご来館はご遠慮ください。
① 写真撮影は可。ただし、商用利用は不可。
② 他のお客様の観覧の妨げになるような撮影は不可。
③ ペットのご入館は不可。
④ 敷地内は全面禁煙。
⑤ 館内飲食不可(ただし、蓋のついた水筒およびペットボトルは可)
1 Museum Opening Details
・Opening Schedule
July 11, 2020 - January 3, 2022 (According to the future situation, it could change.)
・Opening Hours
Weekday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Entrance until 3:30 p.m.)
Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Entrance until 4:30 p.m.)
2 Admission Limit
The museum restricts maximum 80 visitors who could enter the exhibition hall at the same time.
If entrance people would be over this number, the museum could limit the admission.
3 Workshops
The planning workshops, such as gallery talking and sand sculpting experience, will cancel until improving recent situation.
4 Lending Equipments
We stop to lend all equipments (wheelchair, pushchair, audio guide, and umbrella) for visitors for a while.
5 Museum Measures to Prevent Infection
・Thermography will be installed for measuring your temperature.
・Maximum 80 visitors could be in the museum at the same time.
・Museum staffs will sanitize and disinfect all museum building.
・Alcohol for hand sanitizer will be available in the museum.
・Seats will be only for the elderly and the tired.
・Elevator will be only for the necessary, such as wheelchair users.
・Opening Schedule will short for disinfection of all museum building.
・Planned workshops will be temporary canceled.
・Staffs will request visitors to keep your distance to other visitors.
・All doors will open to let in some fresh air for ventilation.
・Staffs will wear masks and gloves.
・Museum will install acrylic board and transparent sheet for prevention of droplet infection.
In addition to above measures, the museum tries to do its best not to spread the infection, and the details will let you know later on this HP.
6 Request for Visitors
For the prevention to spread of infection, the museum request below things to all visitors.
1) Please refrain from entering the museum, once the visitor would be applied below condition.
・People have a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher.
・People have a cough, or other symptoms of illness.
2) Please be sur8 thermography check your temperature at the entrance of the museum.
3) Please wear a mask.
4) Please sanitize your hand with alcohol when you enter the museum and whenever you want.
5) Please maintain a distance of at least 2 meters (6 feet) with other visitors.
6) Please refrain from conversation or utterance at the exhibition hall.
7) Admission limit could be happened, if congestion happened in the museum.
8) Please avoid to come the museum with large crowds.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
■イベントのご紹介 | |
■関連ページ | 営業案内をご確認ください |